Postal code of Bhaktapur
The postal code for Bhaktapur, a city in Province No. 3 of Nepal, is 44800. This postal code is used for the central area of Bhaktapur, including the city center, Bhaktapur Durbar Square, and surrounding areas.
Other areas in Bhaktapur may have different postal codes. To find the specific postal code for a particular location in Bhaktapur, you can consult a postal code directory or contact the local post office.
Bhaktapur D.P.O. | 44800 |
Dubakot | 44802 |
Kharipati | 44804 |
Tathali | 44805 |
Jorpati | 44806 |
Gaamcha | 44809 |
Dibyashwori | 44810 |
Thimi | 44811 |
Nagarkot | 44812 |